02 July 2008

Filters Unlimited v2.0.3 for Photoshop

Filters Unlimited v2.0.3 for Photoshop /3.4 MB
350 top-notch filter effects, combined in one single Photoshop compatible plug-in. We bet: this is probably the only 3rd party plug-in you ever need. By utilizing an integerated filter database and an easy to use interface, Filters Unlimited reaches a new dimension in the world of graphics plug-ins. Combined with Photoshop Actions you can get incredible, really unlimited effects. Comes with more than 350 great built-in filters. And you can add more than 2,000 filters for free in just a few minutes by following our links. Filters Unlimited is also a complete filter development system. Build your own filter effects in minutes - it's as easy as using a pocket calculator...


Disclimer:We do not host or upload on our site we just post the links found fron other sites.