15 December 2008

Excel Hacks 2nd Edition

Excel Hacks 2nd Edition
O'Reilly Media | ISBN 10: 0-596-52834-5 | June 2007 | PDF | 411 Pages | 6 MB

Hacks are grouped into chapters so you can find what you need quickly, including ways to:

* Reduce workbook and worksheet frustration -- manage how users interact with worksheets, find and highlight information, and deal with debris and corruption.

* Analyze and manage data -- extend and automate these features, moving beyond the limited tasks they were designed to perform.
* Hack names -- learn not only how to name cells and ranges, but also how to create names that adapt to the data in your spreadsheet.
* Get the most out of PivotTables -- avoid the problems that make them frustrating and learn how to extend them.

* Create customized charts -- tweak and combine Excel's built-in charting capabilities.
* Hack formulas and functions -- subjects range from moving formulas around to dealing with datatype issues to improving recalculation time.
* Make the most of macros -- including ways to manage them and use them to extend other features.
* Use the enhanced capabilities of Microsoft Office 2007 to combine Excel with Word, Access, and Outlook.



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